
Hi! Welcome to my homepage! I am Job van der Zweep(AKA joppiesaus), and I made some software 'n stuff!
Find me on:  

Games I made:
Offensive Defense
Offensive Defense! :D My first commercial game! I aimed too high this time, but it's at least a fun finished product! Give it a go!
I loved(and still) batch when I was younger, I love console games, and then C# came... It's time for my own roguelike!
C# Console Four in a row(vier op 'n rij!)
Something revolutionary... You can play four in a row on your PC! It includes the source code & executable. You can define how many columns and rows you want. You can even pick 1000!
RedBull Santa

RedBull Santa! A C# XNA game, which is very trippy and sound-dynamic! You must prevent santa from falling-of the "roof", while drinking as many as possible Red Bull!
NOTE: Contains flashy images.

Low-Memory Candy

You are a man, whose memory is weird. It needs candies! Otherwise it will forget stuff! Can you keep his memory intact?
Made for the Candyjam!

C# XNA "Stars.EXE"(I am bad at names okay)
It was a nice "Test project", where I did all sorts of (useless) stuff. It was originally intended to create this page's background, but I managed to make a nice game from it. Comes with a *nice* *config format* and reasonable code.
So I browsed my projects directory, and I suddendly saw this! It's my very first (XNA) game! I remember it getting declined on indieDB... I also figured out the comets are stolen from here, wait... this whole game is from here! Well not completely(*relieving sigh*), because mine has enemys, and powerups, screenshots, and much, much more!
Unfortunatly I lost the source code for that. :(
It's actually a playable game(!!!), so I decided to give it a honourfull place like here. Have fun with it!
Software I made:
PoleCompass, a Minecraft Bukkit Server Java Plugin

My first released bukkit plugin! PoleCompass is a very, very simple plugin which allows you to set your compass to any location!

BaseCalc - Calculate in any numberal system!
Well, not any, in any base! Binary, Unary, Hexadecimal, Octal...
This time, my code is awesome. Everytime I found something out with numberal systems, I feel like a god and I know everything. Now I realize when I look to Binulator... It's not awesome. This time? It is. Sorta. It sure is handy!
Actual calculator and javascript port comming soon!
C# Class
C# Joppiesaus's Storing System(AKA JSS)
Everytime I wanted to store data in a game or program, I struggled with the same problem. How do I effeciently save and load data? Everytime I wrote some crap from scratch(Did that too many times), but now I have a really simple expandable library. And now I wanted to share it with the world. It's readable for a user, so one can simply edit it. It's not the best with compression, but that's modifyable and it's way much better than JSON. Good luck storing data!
C# Joppiesaus's DataBase System(AKA JDB)

I once tried to make my own program where I could manage my books and movies just for fun... But I was REALLY bad at databases! Way to complicated! conn.Connect(connectionString);...
So I wrote my own database system from scratch! It works neat!


Bytecalculator? Pfft. This has much, much more functions. Possible combinations, chars, binary values... Comes with a good theory behind it!

HTML Image Gallery Maker
A very simple image gallery generator, for websites! Just select the folder, enter some colors(double-click), click generate, and there you have it!
Miscellaneous (mostly funny & nerdy) stuff:
It's awesome! Inpsired by hackertyper.net, I made one too! But then without easter-eggs(sorry) and jQuery(yay), and with the ByteCalculator class as the hack. It's fun. Hint: F12 is awesome!
Try it!
For your
chiken simulater
You can now be a chiken! Search your favorite streamer, enter his ID and turn auto chiken on! Made in an hour or so, in C#.
C++ Windows 7 Spider Solitaire trainer-hacker 2015 XTREME MLG EDITION
The trainer you use when you're bored. I've learned A LOT from it. I spend days working with code and even asking and answering my own stackoverflow question ...
It's the neatest thing I've ever programmed.

What did they told me? GUID IS UNIQUE? Nope, it isn't. It takes several years to prove it, But once you did it, you are right.

Windows XP's 3D "Space Cadet" Pinball
YES! Another wormhole! One of my favorite games when I was 5 or something. Hours of fun! Runs on Windows 7, 8 and even Linux(via Wine)! Have fun!
Tactical Ops Assault on Terror
One of my favorite old games! Completely vanished from the internet! Until now... I had to upload it! Ode to the developers!(even íf it's derpy)
WARNING: This is a computer virus.
So I thought: How can I let someone rage while not harming the whole computer? It's easy! So I came up with this: Your disk drive will open, you are unable to type correctly, you get spammed and the computer yells to you, and much more... I present to you: never_thrust_batch_files.bat!
Please use this for "fun" purposes, not to harm people. It's easy to fix, just open run and type in "msconfig", then open the tab "startup" and remove never_thrust_batch_files.bat from the list.
Bing bar? Conduit toolbar!? Norton Antivirus!?! That trash wouldn't be able to beat THIS! Designed just for you, to generate trash. If you have an old computer, you want to bomb, just enter -1 trash! Die in style.
This is what happens when you give me time and confidence and a secret ingredient(which I don't know). You get things like a zip file of 295 KB, which contains 16^19 GiB(67108864 Yobibyte) of useless compressed data(all 0's).
It's so useless, you could even bully it because only what it does is using space. That's all.
1 GiB file gen cpp
Old & (mostly) unusefull stuff I made in order to learn:
C++ SDL GLEW GLM "Zombie Game"
A nice little zombie game I made using these tutorials! It was really fun! And the game is really fun!
C++ Apple Loser
WARNING: This program creates milions of apples but forgets where they are located. Notice your RAM.
I LOVE pointers! This is made to learn more about pointers. What this program does:
  1. Create a apple and assign it to a pointer
  2. Create a new apple and assign it to the same pointer
  3. Goto 1
This program will fire up your RAM and will throw a bad_alloc.
This DOS program written in 8086 Assembly calls you a fag(a loser, a bundle sticks of wood) 3 times with an "!" after it. Since it's written in 8086 Assembly, it's only for OS-es which support 16 bit.
It may be violent, stupid, and ridiculous, but hey, it's only 32 bytes.
C# Magical Encrypter

I made a simple encrypter! It works great! It's random, and you can have different
combinations for the same thing! But today, you won't get the source, you must figure it out your own!(Don't use decompilers please!)
I know you can do it. Hint: d = 100!
If you really want the source code, you can email me for it. But you MUST have at least a clue!


I had a some sort of mind-wave, I was impressed by Binary code. It calculates by bytes(just enter number) or bits(enter after your number "b"), what the maximum value is in binary.
For example: 1b = 1, 7b = 127, 1 = 255, 13b = 8191. It's quite "advanced". Not really fun, but geeky. I also figured out that if you want to calculate possibilities, it's almost the same: calculate the total things in bits, then add 1. See also Binulator.

C# XNA Weather engine
I made this a while ago, just for fun. A fully customizable weather engine. It includes a sample, the source, and a executable. (and more)
How awsome is that? Have fun with it!
Motorcycle is a C# console (kindof)RPG where you can do what you want. You can race, upgrade your motor, and that's it I believe. It was my first console game, and it is really boring actually.
SuperHero is my second C# console RPG which is a lot better than Motorcycle. With random and weird things, easter eggs, and some other geeky stuff! It was never finished actually. If you are interested, you can develop it by yourself and if you send me an email I will post it on my website! I'll be very happy if you do that.
Anyways, have fun enyoying your powers.
C# Click Game
EDIT: S***ty as hell. Made in one hour for the I-come-up-with-this-because-derp-competition. Click Game is a simple click game where your goal is to click buttons as fast as possible in the correct order, the order is always the same, but as always the souce is included so you can mess arround with it. I made this quick, when I was bored by the way. Have fun!
Stuff I made for the Ludum Dare competition(MOAR GAMES!):
C# XNA Snake (LD28 Warmup)

It's a snake clone! As a warmup! Messy code with bugs! It's fun! Try it!

C# XNA "One Wall" (LD28 submission)

Yeah! My first submission to the Ludum Dare competition! Made in less than 48 hours! The theme was "You only get one", so I made a game you get only one wall to defend yourself!
It's fun, sorta. But I am proud of it! Play it!


C# XNA "SuperDrive OVERCLOCK" (Mini-LD49 submission)

You are a DVD/CD-ROM Driver laser. Your task is to read all the data from the disk as long as possible. You can miss 3 times. If you miss more than that, the computer will crash. But the driver is hacked & overclocked by the user.
How long can you read data from the disc?

C# XNA "Fireguy" (LD 31 submission)
A game that ended up as a bomberman spin-off. It was better than failing, thought!
C# XNA "Bob the different bird" (LD32 submission)
Bob was always a different bird. But today, he decides to do something completely different.

About me

Who I am:
I am Job van der Zweep!(AKA joppiesaus)☻ I am a ???(If you want to know my age you have to enable Javascript!) year old geek from holland who likes almost everything about computers. Especially programming!
I started programming arround my 12'th year. Before that I was making stuff with batch without really know what I was doing(I didn't even know it was called programming...) I know lots of languages: C#, batch, HTML(if you call that a programming language...), javascript(but that's confusing). I am learning(or having little knowledge): PHP, C++, Java, BlitzBasic(and some more, but I am bad at keeping things like this updated)!
I also LOVE to customize and build pc's(Here's my own!). And I try fixing them too.
I love science! People say I'm awesome in it! Even though science is sometimes really confusing it is still just screwing arround with writing it down.
I love my cat. My cat doesn't love me. She loves Google though. It's a big evil corperation but still a damn fine search engine.
Also, I like joppiesaus!

How I became a programmer:
Well, when I first saw the computer, I mostly played games like Pajama Sam, and Howie's grote rekenavontuur. Those are the games where you can explore, and do what you want to do. yes, XP's pinball did it right to me, mspaint.exe was fun, but those where the games which I could play forever. I also played Keen 5.
Then, there was RollerCoaster Tycoon. Again, I could do what I want, but I could this time create stuff how I like. I thought it was the best game ever. I still play it nowadays.
Age of Empires II was another game I like. Pure strategy, I got old enough to understand it. I played with .bat files that time. I programmed without even knowing it. NFSU did also good to me.
Than, there was the legendary Minecraft, which had everything what I like: Exploring, building stuff, no limits. One day, my friend showed Minecraft Classic. I wanted a server, so I came out at MCDzienny. You could make custom commands, and I loved to make those. I started in Notepad, then I downloaded a IDE. I thought: This is everything for me. Coding. I started learning JavaScript at CodeCademy, and coding more custom commands in C#(My best language so far). I followed tutorials for C#, and made neat stuff.
Kerbal Space Program is awesome. It had again the three parts of Minecraft, but than added more science. EVERYTHING FOR SCIENCE! Arround that time, I saw the XNA Framework, and started to code games. Of course, I learned more stuff. And now, I am here. I made a website!

I guess I like creating stuff. Do whatever you want. I think that's why I am a programmer; I want to create and understand.

Other stuff I want you to tell you:

So you need a password?

Deal with it. If you're blind, I'm sorry but I didn't know that the alt attribute existed, so you can't see most of my images. But most of them are useless anyways